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(Extracted from the full list in Nick’s LinkedIn profile)

T. C.

“… my mentor for (over) 5 years …a trustworthy, reliable, and … resourceful thinker … knowledgeable in many different areas … There has not been a single time I walked away from my conversation with Nick without learning something meaningful.”

T. L.

“I have known Nick for almost 40 years ….He combines wonderful interpersonal skills and a sense of humour, with meticulous and imaginative thinking.”


M. V.

“He is professional, supportive, reliable, well-organized, empathetic and very easy to work with. He has helped me regain confidence.”

M. G.

“I found Nick’s perspectives invaluable, timely and accurate … His expertise … was based on experience, understanding and highly current information”

J. C.

“Nick combines strong business acumen with innovation and imagination … Nick’s interpersonal skills are also an enormous asset when communicating across varied professional fields (and generations).”

A. Z.

“… a kind and knowledgeable mentor with remarkable experience in work … gives you great advice and hope.”

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