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The first hint of AI in the legal profession came in the 1970s with the arrival of on-line access to information on US laws and legal precedents (Westlaw and LexisNexis), Now there are over 40,000 databases from about 70 countries (including China) with sophisticated search algorithms.

Today, AI is being used to bypass lawyers by creating simple legal documents (like wills and uncontested divorce paperwork), to fight traffic tickets, and, with much greater sophistication, to anticipate legal rulings. Blockchain will soon start to reduce the demand for trusted third-party legal services.

Employment in law firms has been reducing for decades, as the need for support services (such as document drafting and delivery, and research) has diminished or can be handled more expeditiously by more senior lawyers. As in other professions, there is a growing problem in the development of experienced lawyers, with fewer juniors available to be assigned significant work, and to make the supervised mistakes that will teach them the wisdom that current senior lawyers have gained from their own mistakes.





3D-printed models help juries understand technical evidence in court cases (Forensics/Additive Manufacturing - 2020-03 -

A Cranfield Forensic Institute study using mock jurors has found that using 3D-printed models when presenting evidence in court cases improved the jury’s understanding of technical language by 12%. 3D forensic documentation captures an entire crime scene before the site is compromised.

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Cyber courts in China handle civil cases, using video chat for litigants and an AI 'judge' (Law Court/AI - 2019-12 - Shelly Palmer)

Some civil cases in China, such as online trade disputes, copyright cases, and e-commerce product liability claims, are being handled by a ‘cyber court’, which features an online interface with litigants appearing by video chat as an AI judge prompts them to present their cases. China’s first cyber court was established in 2017 in Hangzhou.

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Lawyers of the world: Robots aren't replacing you-yet (AI - 2019-10 - TechRepublic)

The UK-based Law Society noted in a study earlier this year: “Over the longer term, the number of jobs in the legal services sector will be increasingly affected by automation of legal services functions.

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On-line assistance with suing U.S. corporations and individuals (Law/Civil - 2018-10 - The Verge)

DoNotPay offers legal advice in the U.S. for issues, such as volatile airline prices, data breaches, late package deliveries, and unfair bank fees. It draws up documents to send to the courthouse to become a plaintiff, and generates a script to read from if personal attendance is required.

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AI generates legal papers without lawyers, and suggests rulings for judges (Law - 2018-10 - Bloomberg)

In Argentina, DAs write decisions and judges either reject them and write their own, or simply approve them. Start-up Prometea generates legal papers without lawyers, and suggests rulings for judges. Buenos Aires’ 15 DAs clear 6 months’ worth of cases in 6 weeks.

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Machine-learning algorithm beats 20 lawyers in NDA legal analysis (Law - 2018-10 - TechSpot)

LawKeex pitted its machine-learning AI against 20 human lawyers with five nondisclosure agreements to review for risks. The lawyers took an average of 92 minutes with 85% accuracy. LawGeex took 26 seconds with 94% accuracy.

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Virtual lawyer reduces junior legal work by 99% (Law - 2018-09 - ZDNet)

A start-up, McCarthyFinch, has developed an AI platform, designed to handle an array of legal processes, including financial compliance and contract automation. Claiming to learn up to 100 times faster than traditional AI, use at one firm reduced junior legal work by 99%.

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Dubai to use blockchain to streamline judicial processes (Law/Judiciary - 2018-07 - Next Big Future)

Dubai is making the first blockchain of the court to streamline the judicial process, removing document duplications, and driving greater efficiencies across the entire legal ecosystem by 2020. They will also expand existing dispute resolution services, and explore how to aid verification of court judgments for cross-border enforcement.

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Lawyer bots take the hassle out of fighting parking tickets and property taxes (Law - 2018-04 - Recode)

“New services, like DoNotPay, are encouraging people to challenge inaccurate parking tickets and property taxes online. Users are asked a series of questions, which creates a letter with a formal legal defense to be mailed in or submitted online. The free service has helped drivers across the U.S. and U.K. squash more than 450,000 parking tickets representing $13 million in fines; with users winning dismissals more than 50 percent of the time.

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