Hello! My name is Ron. My roles in Ronnick Enterprises are to lead the marketing of our coaching service, to set up and maintain all the technical requirements of the business, and to coach clients.

Probably I’m proudest of the fact that I’ve raised my daughter as a single parent. As a natural course-taker and life-long learner, I found that parenting courses and books helped me immensely with the challenges of raising my daughter, especially during the teenage years. In fact, one of the reasons I started coaching is that I really enjoyed helping other parents with the knowledge I gained while raising my daughter.

Starting in my university days, I’ve had lots of opportunity to volunteer in my community. Participating in stage and radio plays has been lots of fun and gave me a great appreciation for working with people of many different backgrounds on a variety of levels.

My life and business experience has informed the values and beliefs of our company which are represented by FIGHTERS as described in About Us.

I hope we’ll have an opportunity to chat. 

My Story

At the University of Waterloo where I took Computer Science in the Math faculty, I found that I loved everything about programming. The Co-op work/study program gave me work stints where I programmed all kinds of computers and even did research at the University of Waterloo. In my working life, I didn’t use the material in my Masters degree in Combinatrics and Optimization as much but I still enjoyed the challenge and learning how to solve a variety of problems.

I’ve had numerous careers, both as an entrepreneur and as an employee in about a dozen companies. I’m happy that I can put all that experience to good use when I’m helping people navigate their career, job, and business choices.

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