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A UBI pilot for poor, black, single mothers in Mississippi (UBI - 2018-12 -

This cash transfer project, financed by the Economic Security Project, will give, no strings attached, US$1,000/month for 12 months to 16 low-income single black mothers, randomly selected from a list of black female adults with children who are considered to live in poverty in the Jackson area. Some of the potential beneficiaries have helped design the initiative. The package will include optional leadership training, psychological counseling, and community service.

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Stanford lab explores experiments in UBI (UBI - 2018-12 - ScienceBlog)

Stanford Basic Income Lab at the McCoy Family Center for Ethics in Society aims to educate policymakers and the public about the latest research on what happens when people receive unconditional cash on a regular basis.

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A village in Switzerland may be starting a basic income experiment (UBI - 2018-11 - Basic Income News)

The Village of the Future Test organization has approval for a one-year basic income test from over 62% of the 1,300 villagers of Rheinau. Funding of 4.4 million euros is being raised. The money will be distributed according to age (up to 18, 18-22, 2225 and 25+) with adults receiving about US$2,500/month (less earned income).

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The problem with basic income pilots is politics (UBI - 2018-09 - BIEN)

In an op-ed article, the author argues that, because UBI pilots target only people in need of financial assistance, UBI is seen as an improved welfare system and is opposed by most demgraphics; whereas, if the recipients come from a broader background, UBI would receive more support.

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UBI program to give $1,000/month to black mothers in Jackson, Mississippi (UBI - 2018-09 - Fast Company)

A new year-long basic income pilot launching in December in Jackson, Mississippi, aims to address the wealth disparities around race, gender, and motherhood by equipping black mothers with $1,000 a month. The pilot will launch with 15 women, eventually scaling to at least 100 families.

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Why UBI costs far less than you think (UBI - 2018-08 - Big Think)

Multiplying the UBI payment by the number of recipients is the gross cost of the program. To get the real (net)cost, you need to subtract the savings (like reduced bureaucracy, not mentioned in the article) and the income used to pay it (like income or wealth taxes). In effect, UBI is a wealth re-distribution program.

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UBI has a different meaning for different people (UBI - 2018-06 - MIT Technology Review)

Ontario (Canada) is funding a 3-year UBI trial involving about 4,000 people who receive monthly stipends to boost their income to at least 75% of the poverty line. Any additional income only reduces the stipend by 50%. To Lindsay (a town NE of Toronto) participants, this provides different benefits, such as: Affording fresh produce; Supporting a small business; Staffing a not-for-profit museum; Augmenting a disability pension; Reducing a student loan.

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UBI: The need for it and the benefits of it (UBI - 2018-05 -

This interesting, lengthy article discusses why UBI is essential, the job losses that started in 1990, the many individuals and social benefits of UBI, and how its impact could resolve many societal problems. The weakest area is dealing with how UBI can be afforded.

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Finland's basic income pilot was never a test of UBI (Society - 2018-04 - FastCompany)

Finland’s basic income pilot has not been renewed but was never more than a variant of their significant support for the unemployed. Y Combinator Research in Oakland is planning to give a no-strings-attached stipend to research the effects of UBI on everything from voter participation to mental health to spending habits. It’s limitation is that it plans to use private money. Alaska’s Divident Fund tests the required infrastructure for government distribution of a UBI.

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UBI has become part of California’s Democratic Party platform (UBI - 2018-03 - Recode)

UBI has become part of California’s Democratic Party platform, signaling that the idea is beginning to enter the political mainstream. At the same time, Silicon Valley leaders are putting their weight behind UBI by funding major projects, including a program in Oakland that gave people $1,500 a month for a year, and a project in Stockton for working individuals.

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Indian government advisor suggests some parts of India may introduce UBI (UBI - 2018-03 - BIEN)

India’s Chief Economic Advisor, Arvind Subramanian, recently told reporters that he would “bet” that one or two Indian states would be implementing universal basic income (UBI) by 2020.

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Inside Ontario’s big, bold Basic Income experiment (UBI - 2018-02 - FastCompany)

Ontario’s basic income experiment will see up to 4,000 residents of 3 metro areas receive guaranteed monthly stipends. Single recipients get up to $16,989 per year; Couples up to $24,027y. If people choose to work, they are taxed at 50% for anything over $200. The stipends are roughly 75% of Canada’s official poverty line, which is about 50% of median incomes. Early results are positive.

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An argument against UBI (UBI - 2018-02 - City Journal)

A review of current activity in support of UBI, and a description of what is regarded as its “fatal flaw” – creating a disincentive to work, and multiple generations of work-resistant personalities. (NOTE: See Nick Arden’s blog which argues in favour of UBI, noting that UBI is essentially a wealth distribution system, which will additionally eliminate poverty, and that will require a new definition of ‘work’.)

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People in 2 U.S. States will get $1,000 a month in a new basic income trial (UBI - 2017-09 - Futurism)

Startup incubator Y Combinator is expanding their research into the benefits of universal basic income (UBI). Their plan is to pick 3,000 individuals from two states at random to receive a monthly cash handout. 1,000 participants will receive $1,000 per month for a period up to five years, while the other 2,000 will receive $50 per month, serving as the control group. Their goal is to discover how basic income can help people respond to economic instability and uncertainty, or perhaps even find alternatives to UBI that achieve the same purpose. The overarching goal of this trial is to advance the debate about the future of work.

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Richard Branson backs UBI (UBI - 2017-08 - The Independent (UK)

Richard Branson: “In the modern world, everybody should have the opportunity to work and to thrive. Most countries can afford to make sure that everybody has their basic needs covered.” He joins Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, Slack chief executive Stewart Butterfield, and Tesla boss Elon Musk. Finland trial: Gives 2,000 unemployed people an unconditional monthly sum of €560 (£515) for 2 years, even if they start working. Results show lower stress with greater incentive to find work and freedom to pursue entrepreneurial ideas – increased self-esteem. Other trials are planned for the Netherlands Cities (October 2017), and possible in Italy, Canada and Scotland.

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Hawaii may become the first US state to support a universal basic income (UBI - 2017-07 - Business Insider)

In June, Hawaii passed the first piece of legislation aimed at exploring a UBI. The bill, HCR 89, directs the government “to convene a basic economic security working group.”

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Opposition to UBI from Doug Casey (UBI - 2017-06 - Casey Daily Dispatch)

Doug Casey, a renowned Libertarian, regards UBI as “incredibly stupid from absolutely every point of view.” He opposes UBI because of its disincentive to have productive members of society (as proven by the current welfare system) and because it gives too much power to the government to define the rules of the UBI distribution and to extract the required capital.

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Facebook, Tesla CEOs lead charge for guaranteed income (UBI - 2017-06 - Fox News)

Zuckenberg and Musk included consideration of UBI as a way to deal with the upcoming massive job loss. Experiments in Canada, Finland, and the Netherlands had results interpreted differently. Hawaii is the first US state to commit to considering it, although Nixon introduced the concept in a 1970 legislation proposal which died in the Senate.

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Is UBI possible in America (UBI - 2017-04 - BigThink)

UBI programs exist in Alaska and North Carolina. Discussions of UBI are not new. Opinions of Robert Reich (a way for companies to save money), Dan Savage (who says it was Richard Nixon’s idea), and Elon Musk (who regards it as necessary in the evolution of the workforce). There’s a pretty good chance we end up with a UBI, or something like that, due to automation. The psychological issues of unearned pay and not having work are considered.

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Ontario's basic income trial to launch in Hamilton, Lindsay and Thunder Bay (UBI - 2017-04 - Huffington Post)

People in Hamilton, Lindsay And Thunder Bay will be able to apply to the pilot project, and 4,000 people will be selected. Single people will receive up to $16,989 per year, less 50 percent of any income they earn. Couples will receive up to $24,027 per year, less 50 percent of any income they earn. People with disabilities will receive up to an additional $6,000 per year.

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Letter: Support for UBI from Ray Kurzweil (UBI - 2017-03 - Kurzweil Newsletter)

Ray Kurzweil supports UBI, believing that adopting it can help society think creatively with new ideas, develop new industries — and free-up people to work on important future projects. This practical social support program can grow as science & technology rapidly evolve, becoming part of world abundance. He quoted Facebook founder & CEO Mark Zuckerberg from his commencement speech at Harvard University and announced UBI as the subject of his next book.

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Basic income would cost Canada $15 Billion annually (UBI - 2017-03 - Huffington Post)

A new study from the Northern Policy Institute suggested that basic income program similar to the one Ontario is testing would cost Canada around $15 billion annually, consisting of $30 billion for the program less $15 billion in savings from replaced disability and support programs. The cost is only about 5% of federal government expenditures and much less than currently spent on seniors’ benefits.

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Ontario is betting on UBI to help cities gutted by manufacturing job loss (UBI - 2017-02 - Quartz)

Ontario is considering a 3-city pilot UBI program as a welfare replacement, setting it at 75% pf the official poverty line.

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Finland giving unemployed free money (UBI - 2017-01 - Business Insider)

Finland is offering free money ($590 each month for two years) to help 2,000 jobless Finns get back to work. The experiment should provide insights on whether basic income could help clean up Finland’s messy system of social security; and how people behave when they’re receiving free money.

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Giving people free money means less drinking and smoking (UBI - 2016-12 - Business Insider)

World Bank researchers David Evans and Anna Popova reviewed 19 cash-transfer studies in 10 countries, showing that the consumption of so-called “temptation goods” actually goes down in certain cases when people in underdeveloped nations receive free cash. The findings are especially surprising given the wide variance between the transfer’s value. In African countries (such as Tanzania and Kenya) the handouts represented about a 5% increase in people’s income, while in Latin America the handout raised incomes by up to 30%.

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Basic income is about basic security (UBI - 2016-11 -

Basic income should be sufficient to meet the most basic human needs for necessities like food, water, shelter, and clothing. By simply cutting every citizen a monthly check and getting rid of most of the welfare state and tax code complexities, everyone could be better off, rich and poor alike. Basic income is a safety net when terrible things happen, and it transforms your relationship with work by giving you the choice to work or not, and at what you want to. It only provides with the basic needs, so doesn’t take away the incentive to make more money for a nicer life.

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Nixon’s basic income plan (UBI - 2016-05 - Jacobin)

The story of how Richard Nixon was persuaded by 1,200 economists (including John Kenneth Galbraith and Paul Samuelson) of the value of a basic income plan, and then dissuaded by Martin Anderson, an Ayn Rand admirer. The economists wrote: “The country will not have met its responsibility until everyone in the nation is assured an income no less than the officially recognized definition of poverty.” Nixon’s 1970 Bill passed in the House, but failed in the Senate. Switzerland is planning a referendum on UBI. Finland, Canada, and nearly 20 cities in the Netherlands are conducting large-scale experiments.

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