This website is a collaboration between Nick Arden (who lives in Vancouver, British Columbia) and Ron Dragushan (who lives in Toronto, Ontario). They have been friends and business colleagues for over 50 years. In 1970, Nick, working for the Steel Company of Canada, interviewed Ron, who was a co-op student at Waterloo University in Ontario. Subsequently, Ron worked for Nick at Stelco, worked with Nick at Nick’s company in Vancouver, and hired Nick to work with his Ontario company. Now they work together at Ronnick Enterprises.

Nick’s passion is to serve others, and he has been doing that for over 40 years. He’s helped:
– HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE needing mentoring or coaching for career counseling, and job search; and,
– TENS OF BUSINESSES needing help with strategic planning, information systems, accounting, turnaround, project management, loan monitoring, and filing SRED tax credits; and,
– NOT-FOR-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS (social service, alumni, ethnic, education, sports) needing volunteer help with start-up, management and leadership.

Nick has extensive experience with 5 professions and many industry sectors. His degrees are in Engineering (Cambridge) and Computer Science (UBC). His creation of PRISM and the development of this website represents his 14th career initiative.

Ron has decades of technology experience, which is used to support the website. For several years, he has been doing various types of coaching including career coaching, business coaching, and parent coaching.

Both Nick and Ron are Certified Virtual Coaches.


The values we try to live by are best represented by the acronym FIGHTERS:

FLEXIBILITY means not only accepting people for who they are, but accepting changes in life circumstances (including of course the intrusion of technology).

INTEGRITY means that our integrity is an essential part of our being. We represent ourselves by our actions, not just our words.

GOODNESS means that we want to make all our personal and business interactions beneficial to everyone involved.

HONESTY means that we’ve learned to be honest with ourselves, and open and honest with everyone we meet, which we believe earns us their trust.

TEAMWORK means that we’ve no wish to be independent, but inter-dependent. We are all an integrated part of the world we live in.

EDIFICATION means that we try to maintain a positive attitude about everyone we meet, and actively look for ways to compliment them.

RESPECT means that every individual has significant worth, and warrants our respect, irrespective of their values and beliefs.

SERVICE means that our lives have been about helping other people and other businesses. We’ve always wanted to live a life of service.

This is Nick, and he’s the creator of PRISM. His roles in Ronnick Enterprises are to lead the coaching service, and to curate the videos and articles which keep you aware of the current technological advances that impact jobs and career paths.

See more details here.

This is Ron. His roles in Ronnick Enterprises are to lead the marketing of our coaching service, to set up and maintain all the technical requirements of the business, and to coach clients.

See more details here.

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