WEEK 29 POSTS – Dec 15, 2024
In our current world, biased opinions are presented as facts, and outright lies are left unedited. It is up to us to sift through what is presented to us, and determine for ourselves what is true, false or just opinion. Critical Thinking is the skill that allows us to do this. Sadly, it is only taught in arts programs, although it is equally needed in science programs.
Wikipedia defines Critical Thinking as “the analysis of facts to form a judgment… Other definitions refer to the rational, skeptical, unbiased analysis, or evaluation of factual evidence. Critical thinking is self-directed, self-disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective thinking.”
Reference to unbiased analysis Is particularly relevant with so much analysis now being dependent on Large Language Models and adaptations thereof. We are beginning to understand that there is bias built into our language and history. So, bias cannot be eliminated. It can only be recognized.
Later this month I’ll be posting about a new business venture that aims to offer a network of mentored mastermind groups for those considering a career change.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://ardenbusinessconsulting.com/abc-prism/
Check out our next Careers post on Thursday.
Employees who are considering leaving their jobs face three choices:
- Find a new job similar to their current one.
- Change jobs or careers.
- Start a business (or side hustle).
If they are concerned about losing their job, they might want to find a way to make themselves indispensable to their employees – which would at least give them more time to implement the choice they’ve selected.
Each of the three choices and the delaying strategy are different with their own set of challenges. So that implies four separate mastermind groups. And then there’s a fifth – making the decision what to do.
Later this month I’ll be posting about a new business venture that aims to offer networks of mentored mastermind groups.
Are you ready to re-take control over your work income? Get our free report on proven control strategies: https://ardenbusinessconsulting.com/abc-landing-page-work-income-contact/
Check out our next Re-take Control post on Monday.
* It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. (Aristotle)
* Not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted counts. (William Bruce Cameron)
* The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend. (Henri Bergson)
* Too often we… enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought. (John F. Kennedy)
* The important thing is not to stop questioning. (Albert Einstein)
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://ardenbusinessconsulting.com/abc-prism/
Check out our next Careers post on Tuesday.
“Every man has the right to an opinion but no man has a right to be wrong in his facts. Nor, above all, to persist in errors as to facts.” (Bernard Baruch, quoted in an October 1946 Associated Press article)
In our career-related posts this week, we discussed the skill of Critical Thinking, which is the need to determine for ourselves what is true, false, or just opinion.
I think the response to COVID-19 in 2020 started our world in a downward spiral where scientific truths were ignored and what became regarded as the truth was what government wanted to be true. Our society merged truth, lies and opinions to the point that separating them became impossible for most people – even if they were prepared to make the effort.
We may have started to emerge from that abyss, but we now have to deal with Artificial Intelligence whose capabilities make separating true and false almost impossible to detect.
Yet identifying that distinction has become vital to our civilization. Is that too strong a statement?
Critical Thinking is the most important skill that we all need.
WEEK 28 POSTS – Dec 8, 2024
We’re going to take a brief recess from Skills and discuss an idea that was generated from another stimulating weekly blog by Shelly Palmer. His December 8th blog ‘A Framework for Continuous Adaptation’ makes a strong and insightful case for “business leaders to reimagine their approach to change.”
As I read the blog, I realized that his approach is as applicable to individual workers as it is to businesses – and that his detailed analysis can be simply adapted for the workforce.
In summary, individual workers need to develop a mindset of continuous adaptation in order to cope with the accelerating impact of technological change. More on Thursday.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://ardenbusinessconsulting.com/abc-prism/
Check out our next Careers post on Thursday.
Here are the final two of four reasons why employees transitioning from their current jobs should join a mastermind:
- There are often times when they need to strategize challenges before discussing them with friends and family. The availability of an external trusted support group is invaluable.
- They have the opportunity to stay in their mastermind for months or even years. After months of helping and being helped by the members, they learn their strengths and can call on them whenever needed.
Are you ready to re-take control over your work income? Get our free report on proven control strategies: https://ardenbusinessconsulting.com/abc-landing-page-work-income-contact/
Check out our next Re-take Control post on Monday.
More from Shelly Palmer’s December 8th blog ‘A Framework for Continuous Adaptation’.
The fundamental awareness is that “today is the slowest rate of technological change you’ll ever experience for the rest of your life” – and that means impacts on your job: its tasks, its dependencies, the skills you need, and its very existence.
It is essential to maintain awareness of technological change and to understand its probable impact on your industry, your company, and your job. It won’t happen overnight. But the impact will accelerate as technological change builds on itself.
You can choose to be proactive: learn new skills, position yourself in your company for the changes in or loss of your job, or change career, or start a business to protect your income. Alternatively, you can wait to be laid off.
In earlier posts, Continuous Learning was defined as both Mindset #1 and Skill #3. Continuous Adaptation is a mindset that includes Continuous Learning and much more.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://ardenbusinessconsulting.com/abc-prism/
Check out our next Careers post on Tuesday.
We discussed the mindset of Continuous Adaptation on Tuesday and Thursday. Here are some quotations:
- It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change. (Leon C. Megginson)
- Adaptability is the simple secret of survival. (Jessica Hagedorn)
- Happiness for the average person may be said to flow largely from common sense—adapting oneself to circumstances—and a sense of humor. (Beatrice Lillie)
- Nearly all great civilizations that perished did so because they had crystallized, because they were incapable of adapting themselves to new conditions, new methods, new points of view. It is as though people would literally rather die than change. (Eleanor Roosevelt)
- Adapt or perish, now as ever, is Nature’s inexorable imperative. (H. G. Wells)
WEEK 27 POSTS – Dec 1, 2024
Creativity can be defined as the ability to see something, which can be an idea or an object, in new and imaginative ways by finding hidden patterns or making connections between unrelated concepts – and then using this ability to create a solution to a problem. Creativity is regarded as the product of the subconscious but is a skill that can be learned at least in part.
Creativity is required whenever there is no clear solution to a problem. It is closely allied with the need for innovation, which requires creative ideas to be successful.
The definition is particularly interesting as it identifies a major question about whether a robot can be trained to be creative. We now know that machine learning can be used to ‘find hidden patterns’. But ‘making connections between unrelated concepts’ is deemed the product of our subconscious which is currently beyond automation.
That creativity comes from the subconscious is evidenced by the way that creative ideas most often occur when you are not thinking about an issue – because you are doing something else like sleeping or working on a different issue.
Maybe robots can be partly creative!
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://ardenbusinessconsulting.com/abc-prism/
Check out our next Careers post on Thursday.
Here are some valuable characteristics of mentored mastermind groups:
- A safe and supportive environment in which you can describe your issues and the solutions that you’re considering.
- Other members and the mentor can share relevant experiences which can be supportive of your solutions or can identify problems that they’ve encountered which you hadn’t considered.
- Most mastermind meetings are virtual which is time efficient and allows members to attend from different countries, who may approach your issues from a different perspective.
- Over time, you develop trust in your fellow members which can broaden the nature of the issues that you are comfortable presenting.
- Sometimes, fellow members can lead you to valuable contacts.
What do you think of mentored mastermind groups? Can you think of an area where they might be valuable for you?
Are you ready to re-take control over your work income? Get our free report on proven control strategies: https://ardenbusinessconsulting.com/abc-landing-page-work-income-contact/
Check out our next Re-take Control post on Monday.
* You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have. (Maya Angelou)
* A hunch is creativity trying to tell you something. (Frank Capra)
* The more you reason, the less you create. (Raymond Chandler)
* Creativity always dies a quick death in rooms that house conference tables. (Bruce Herschensohn)
* Creativity can be described as letting go of certainties. (Gail Sheehy)
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://ardenbusinessconsulting.com/abc-prism/
Check out our next Careers post on Tuesday.
“Creative ideas do not spring from groups. They spring from individuals.” (A. Whitney Griswold)
This quote expresses a long-held idea about creativity. But is it true?
There used to be a management creativity game in which words were printed on small blocks that were put into a bowl and mixed up. A topic was defined. A random word was drawn from the bowl and the challenge was to connect the word with the topic.
Individuals found it much harder to make the connections than small teams working together.
Maybe creative ideas can spring from groups. What do you think?
WEEK 26 POSTS – Nov 25, 2004
We talked earlier about the need for a mindset of continuous learning. Here we’re talking about putting the mindset into action by developing the skill – and it is a skill!
The normal, linear way of learning is to take a course and then practice what we’ve learned (sometimes interweaving the two).
The accelerating impact of technology on jobs, and the increasingly short lifespan of specific technical skills (typically 2-3 years but getting less) and even of some basic scientific knowledge, means that we need to develop a new way of learning.
Overall, we need to integrate learning into our working life. Fortunately, employers are recognizing the need for this. For example, in July 2019, Amazon announced it was investing $700 million to upskill 100,000 employees. But, even if your employer, is not supportive, it is essential for our survival that we implement continuous learning ourselves.
There are an increasing number of options to do this.
Many on-line courses are being offered, many free, some short-term. Check out Coursera, Khan Academy, Udemy, and MIT OpenCourseWare. Some courses use micro-learning, in which the course content is broken down into a series of linked 5-to-10 minute segments, which are designed to allow us to use short periods of downtime efficiently.
Another approach used for on-the-job training and learning is AR (Augmented Reality). This is learning that involves all 5 senses (seeing, hearing, touching, feeling, and smelling).
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://ardenbusinessconsulting.com/abc-prism/
Check out our next Careers post on Thursday.
The best source of support in business is personal mentoring. A mentor has been on the path that you are travelling, has learned from mistakes made, and is willing to provide guidance by sharing that experience.
It is best, if possible, to find multiple mentors, one for each area of business activity and one for work/life balance. We need to relate to our mentors so that we accept their guidance.
Mentors usually (but not always) volunteer their services. They can be very hard to find.
If you haven’t found a mentor, the next best source of support is a mastermind, which we’ve learned provides peer mentoring and may be led by an experienced mentor.
There are many masterminds available for entrepreneurs, business leaders, and professionals – but not for employees or start-up businesses. Participating in a mastermind can vary in annual cost from $600+ to $1,000s. (It is important to distinguish between services that are real masterminds and not masterclasses.)
Are you ready to re-take control over your work income? Get our free report on proven control strategies: https://ardenbusinessconsulting.com/abc-landing-page-work-income-contact/
Check out our next Re-take Control post on Monday.
There were 5 inspiring quotes in my post on the mindset of Continuous Learning (which I will re-post tomorrow). Here are 5 more.
* If you want to keep on learning, you must keep on risking failure—all your life. (John W. Gardner)
* I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma. (Eartha Kitt)
* The path of spiritual growth is a path of lifelong learning. (M. Scott Peck)
* The wisest mind hath something yet to learn. (George Santayana)
* The excitement of learning separates youth from old age. As long as you’re learning you’re not old. (Dr. Rosalyn Yalow)
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://ardenbusinessconsulting.com/abc-prism/
Check out our next Careers post on Tuesday.
* The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn. (Alvin Toffler)
* The day you stop learning is the day you begin decaying. (Isaac Asimov)
* Be open to learning new lessons even if they contradict the lessons you learned yesterday. (Ellen DeGeneres)
* The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge. (Stephen Hawking)
* Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. (Mahatma Gandhi)
WEEK 25 POSTS – Nov 18, 2024
Wikipedia defines Problem Solving as “using generic or ad hoc methods in an orderly manner to find solutions to problems.”
A complete definition of the Problem Solving process, appropriate for a complex problem, would include 7 steps:
1. Be clear about what the problem is, including what is causing it and what a successful solution would be.
2. If other people are involved, establish their perspectives and what they would see as a successful solution. (This may be very different from ours.)
3. Define possible solution methodologies. Other perspectives may be useful in broadening our understanding of the problem and provide ‘clues’ to different methodologies.
4. Evaluate solution options and select the one most likely to be effective.
5. Attempt to solve the problem. If you fail, analyze the failure, and cycle back to select another option. (Sometimes it is sufficient to modify the application of the failed solution methodology.)
6. Document the entire process (which you really should have been done throughout the process). Sometimes, the problem will change later under different circumstances, and the process followed this time will be useful in solving the new variant of the problem.
7. Establish monitoring of the solution to confirm that it is persistent and scales.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://ardenbusinessconsulting.com/abc-prism/
Check out our next Careers post on Thursday.
Employees seeking support for protecting their existing job or transitioning to another income source will encounter Coaches, Consultants, Counsellors, and Mentors. Some of these titles are used interchangeably. And many of the services offered are overlapping.
Here is a set of definitions that can be used to distinguish the services offered:
- A COACH will help you develop one or more specific skills. The skills can be technical, general business, or personal. A Coach is both teacher and trainer.
- A CONSULTANT will help you identify a technical or general business problem. Your Consultant will help identify solutions to your problem but will not help you implement a solution. For that you need a Coach (or appropriate Professional).
- A COUNSELLOR will help you identify a personal problem. Your Counsellor will help identify solutions to your problem but will not help you implement a solution. For that you need a Coach (or appropriate Professional).
- A MENTOR will help you make strategic decisions in your business and personal life. Your Mentor will guide you as you implement those decisions. Mentors share their business and life experiences (and especially the mistakes they’ve made and learned from). Remember “Wisdom comes with good judgment, which comes from experience, which comes from bad judgment.”
All these support providers will at times overlap the boundaries as defined above. The key to their effectiveness is understanding when they need to pass their client onto a different support provider.
Are you ready to re-take control over your work income? Get our free report on proven control strategies: https://ardenbusinessconsulting.com/abc-landing-page-work-income-contact/
Check out our next Re-take Control post on Monday.
* Successful problem solving requires finding the right solution to the right problem. We fail more often because we solve the wrong problem than because we get the wrong solution to the right problem. (Russell L. Ackoff)
* When the only tool you have is a hammer, it is tempting to treat everything as if it were a nail. (A. H. Maslow)
* It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it. (John Steinbeck)
* We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them. (Albert Einstein)
* Entrepreneurs are moving from a world of problem-solving to a world of problem-finding. The very best ones are able to uncover problems people didn’t realize that they had. (Daniel H. Pink)
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://ardenbusinessconsulting.com/abc-prism/
Check out our next Careers post on Tuesday.
“Wisdom comes with good judgment, which comes from experience, which comes from bad judgment.”
I’m rarely impressed with anyone who talks or writes about a single success unless they also describe what they’ve learned from earlier failures. That is not intended to downplay their success, only to observe that its cause may be the methodology or philosophy – or may be the timing or specific environment.
I’ve stated above the form of the unattributed quote I’ve been using for decades. But recently I’ve heard it attributed to Lee Iacocca as “Where do you get good judgement? From experience, of course. And where do you get experience? From bad judgement.”
As a long-time mentor, I use stories of my own failures as an effective teaching tool for my mentees. And relevant experience is surely the primary qualification for a mentor.
WEEK 24 POSTS – Nov 11, 2024
Wikipedia defines Cognitive Flexibility as “the mental ability to switch between thinking about two different concepts, and to think about multiple concepts simultaneously.”
In a world of accelerating technological change, we constantly encounter new ways of performing tasks at work. We can choose to ignore them initially (very short-sighted) or we can learn about them and then apply them or some better combinationa of the old and new ways.
Once you see a different way of doing anything, you will often see a multitude of options. (That has certainly been my experience in problem solving.) Then you can select the best option for your particular circumstance.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://tinyurl.com/4znz9k6u
Check out our next Careers post on Thursday.
#careerplanning #learning #lostjobs #new jobs #change #newcareers
The major concerns about the implementation of UBI are that the money would be used to avoid having to work, or spent on non-essential activities (vacations, liquor, gambling, etc.). On the contrary, most of the money was typically spent in productive ways, either on essential purchases or activities on the path out of poverty.
Common UBI pilot project results included:
- Paying for basic needs, such as food, housing, and medicine.
- Subsidizing education or skills development.
- Starting small business enterprises.
The income stability improved physical health while reducing stress. UBI generally had no noticeable impact on employment – neither increasing or reducing it.
Are you ready to re-take control over your work income? Get our free report on proven control strategies: https://tinyurl.com/yzdmakeu
Check out our next Re-take Control post on Monday.
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* The measure of intelligence is the ability to change. (Albert Einstein)
* Intelligence is the handmaiden of flexibility and change. (Vernor Vinge)
* The art of life lies in a constant readjustment to our surroundings. (Kakuzo Okakura)
* Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature’s inexorable imperative. (H. G. Wells)
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://tinyurl.com/4znz9k6u
Check out our next Careers post on Tuesday.
#careerplanning #learning #lostjobs #change #newcareers #newjobs
“Rules are made for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men.” (Harry Day)
This is one of my favorite quotes, which I first encountered in 1957 when reading ‘Reach for the Sky’, the biography of Douglas Bader, the legless World War 2 fighter pilot.
Harry Day was a Royal Marine in WW1 and a Wing Commander in WW2. He became famous for the seven times in WW2 that he escaped as a German prisoner-of-war. He was re-captured six times.
Rules provide stability and predictability, especially in today’s fast-moving world. But there are many occasions when “rules are made to be broken.” We can get away with breaking rules, if we take the time to look beneath the surface of a rule and understand its fundamental intent.
WEEK 23 POSTS – Nov 4, 2024
We’ll now return in our posts from projecting a positive future of unpaid work to current career issues; in particular, the new skills needed to thrive in this 21st century world of work.
Most jobs require a certain level of specific knowledge and skills; for example, a computer developer needs to know how to program and the specifics of a specific platform.
But there are other so-called ‘soft’ skills that have become equally important as we deal with accelerating technological change, remote work, multi-cultural teams, etc. These are the skills required to implement the mindsets that we have already reviewed.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://tinyurl.com/4znz9k6u
Check out our next Careers post on Thursday.
#careerplanning #learning #lostjobs #new jobs #change #newcareers
UBI is opposed as a concept by several groups, including:
- Libertarians who object on principle to giving anything away to people without their earning it.
- People who are concerned that most beneficiaries would not use their time meaningfully if you take away any financial incentive to work.
- Financial analysts who do not believe that the economy can handle UBI at a meaningful enough level.
- Self-motivated workers in government and not-for-profit organizations currently providing services that UBI would make unnecessary.
We’ll address the primary concerns about UBI in the next post.
Are you ready to re-take control over your work income? Get our free report on proven control strategies: https://tinyurl.com/yzdmakeu
Check out our next Re-take Control post on Monday.
#technologyimpact #employment #automation #jobloss #productivity
Let’s look at several skills that have become an important part of thriving in the world of work in the 21st century. I’m going to introduce you to 11 of them. There are probably more, but anyone who is competent in these 11 will be an effective employee (or contractor, or entrepreneur).
The 11 Skills are grouped into 4 categories:
- Cognitive Flexibility
- Complex Problem Solving
- Continuous Learning
- Creativity
- Critical Thinking
- Communication
- Coaching and Mentoring
- Collaborating in Virtual Environments
- Conflict Management
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://tinyurl.com/4znz9k6u
Check out our next Careers post on Tuesday.
#careerplanning #learning #lostjobs #change #newcareers #newjobs
We talked about skills in our Notes on Career Planning this week. Here are some quotes about skills that may generate some thinking. Add a comment if you want.
* The most powerful drive in the ascent of man is his pleasure in his own skill. He loves to do what he does well and, having done it well, he loves to do it better. (Jacob Bronowski)
* Early to bed and early to rise probably indicates unskilled employment. (John Ciardi)
* It is not the ship so much as the skillful sailing that assures the prosperous voyage. (George William Curtis)
We talked about skills in our Notes on Career Planning this week. Here are some quotes about skills that may generate some thinking. Add a comment if you want.
* The most powerful drive in the ascent of man is his pleasure in his own skill. He loves to do what he does well and, having done it well, he loves to do it better. (Jacob Bronowski)
* Early to bed and early to rise probably indicates unskilled employment. (John Ciardi)
* It is not the ship so much as the skillful sailing that assures the prosperous voyage. (George William Curtis)
We talked about skills in our Notes on Career Planning this week. Here are some quotes about skills that may generate some thinking. Add a comment if you want.
* The most powerful drive in the ascent of man is his pleasure in his own skill. He loves to do what he does well and, having done it well, he loves to do it better. (Jacob Bronowski)
* Early to bed and early to rise probably indicates unskilled employment. (John Ciardi)
* It is not the ship so much as the skillful sailing that assures the prosperous voyage. (George William Curtis)
We talked about skills in our Notes on Career Planning this week. Here are some quotes about skills that may generate some thinking. Add a comment if you want.
* The most powerful drive in the ascent of man is his pleasure in his own skill. He loves to do what he does well and, having done it well, he loves to do it better. (Jacob Bronowski)
* Early to bed and early to rise probably indicates unskilled employment. (John Ciardi)
* It is not the ship so much as the skillful sailing that assures the prosperous voyage. (George William Curtis)
Here is the fourth and final category of people in our new world of work:
Not Working – Artists/Intellectuals – Volunteers – BUSINESS BUILDERS
This category is for the entrepreneurs and the people helping them to implement the products and services that their creativity envisages.
Imagine how much easier it would be to set up a business. You could put together a team, and you wouldn’t have to pay them until you could afford to. And if that business didn’t work out, people would just return to what they were doing before – and you could move onto your next venture. But, if it did work out, then it would change the lives of all your team.
This would likely be the biggest category, because people would have the chance of improving the minimum quality of life supplied by the government income.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://tinyurl.com/4znz9k6u
Check out our next Careers post on Thursday.
#careerplanning #learning #lostjobs #new jobs #change #newcareers
One of the earliest advocates of UBI was Sir Thomas More in his 1516 book Utopia. He suggested that providing everyone with a basic income could reduce crime, as people wouldn’t be driven to steal out of necessity. Subsequent champions included Thomas Paine in 1797, and Bertrand Russell and Milton Friedman in the 20th century.
In 1969, Richard Nixon was persuaded by 1,200 economists (including John Kenneth Galbraith and Paul Samuelson) of the value of a basic income plan. Nixon’s 1970 Bill passed in the House, but failed in the Senate after Nixon was persuaded to drop his support by the libertarian Martin Anderson.
Are you ready to re-take control over your work income? Get our free report on proven control strategies: https://tinyurl.com/yzdmakeu
Check out our next Re-take Control post on Monday.
#technologyimpact #employment #automation #jobloss #productivity
The last five posts discussed three categories of people who would choose to work even if the government only provided a minimum income – artists and intellectuals, volunteers, and business builders. I hope you noticed that they will all make the world a better place to live in.
The conversion to a world in which few people have paid employment will be hard. But the probability is that the new world of work will be a very positive environment.
Life choices about future careers will not need to consider earnings. Career decisions will be based on passions and interests. Stress levels will be lower! Life satisfaction will be higher!
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://tinyurl.com/4znz9k6u
Check out our next Careers post on Tuesday.
#careerplanning #learning #lostjobs #change #newcareers #newjobs
“The country will not have met its responsibility until everyone in the nation is assured an income no less than the officially recognized definition of poverty.” (1200 US economists in a 1969 letter to Richard Nixon in support of a UBI)
Here are a couple more quotes on the moral responsibility of governments to the poor. To put this into a universal perspective according to the World Bank, the number of people living in poverty was 648 million in 2019.
“The test of a civilization is the way that it cares for its helpless members.” (Pearl Buck)
“The ultimate moral test of any government is the way it treats three groups of its citizens” (Hubert H. Humphrey, referring to our children, our elderly, and our needy)
Here is the second category of people in our new world of work:
Not Working – ARTISTS/INTELLECTUALS – Volunteers – Business builders
These are the people that choose to work in areas that may not produce much direct income but are important to our civilization (like musicians, artists, and philosophers) or to scientific advances (like basic researchers).
Most of these people have struggled to find income or financial support in the past. Relieving them of this need will allow concentration on the value they provide.
There is a current issue of scientists who are concerned to express their contrary opinions freely because that could cause them to lose income support. The independence that UBI provides would limit this issue in our forecasted world of work.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://tinyurl.com/4znz9k6u
Check out our next Careers post on Thursday.
#careerplanning #learning #lostjobs #new jobs #change #newcareers
By definition, a UBI represents a monthly income provided by government to everyone. The amount is set at some fixed minimal level of income that allows everyone to afford the basics of life – primarily, food and shelter (assuming a government health system).
Different amounts can be set for people living in different areas, and for adults and children. It is simple to administer: People register and the government deposits cheques. No concerns about people’s wealth or income, just their existence!
Then there’s a GBI, which supplements income for people who don’t earn at UBI levels. This means confirming total current (or less effectively, past) income and auditing claims. The administrative overhead is substantial. But it would provide continued employment for those who used to administer personal income taxes!
Are you ready to re-take control over your work income? Get our free report on proven control strategies: https://tinyurl.com/yzdmakeu
Check out our next Re-take Control post on Monday.
#technologyimpact #employment #automation #jobloss #productivity
Here is the third category of people in our new world of work:
Not Working – Artists/Intellectuals – VOLUNTEERS – Business builders
Whatever is happening in the world, there will always be a demand for volunteers to help in different ways. With a minimum level of guaranteed income, more people will volunteer, and the world will be a better place.
It is interesting to note that volunteers are often referred to as ‘unpaid employees’.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://tinyurl.com/4znz9k6u
Check out our next Careers post on Tuesday.
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“We will live in a world where anything that can be automated will be automated.” (Shelly Palmer)
For background, see my post on Shelly Palmer’s article: https://tinyurl.com/a6z58774
The question that arises from Shelly’s observation is “What cannot be automated?”. And that takes us back to the title of Shelly’s article “Intelligence decoupled from Humanity”.
It’s a complex question: What differs humans from machines? Is it emotions (like love and anger) or certain skills (like creativity) or philosophical thoughts (like self awareness or good and evil) or consciousness (whatever that is) or spirituality? That’s worth thinking about, isn’t it?
Then there is the ability to create machines that can approximate all these aspects. I’ll never forget the Japanese woman who said (and meant) that she loved her caregiver robot!
We’ve been talking about the automation of most tasks and the consequent elimination of jobs. But just because no-one wants to pay us to work, doesn’t mean that everyone will just spend their days doing nothing. Personally, I believe that human nature requires activities, whether they are physical or intellectual.
We’ve been talking about UBI, so let’s assume that everyone receives a minimal amount of income. How are we going to spend our time? I propose that there will be 4 categories of future activity:
- Not working
- Artists and Intellectuals
- Volunteers
- Business builders
The next 4 posts will describe each category in more detail.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://tinyurl.com/4znz9k6u
Check out our next Careers post on Thursday.
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The basic economic cycle that needs to be maintained is, very simplistically:
– Companies manufacture and sell products or provide services, using purchases of labor and material.
– Consumers (individuals and companies) buy products and services.
– Governments tax companies and individuals. They collect the taxes and provide essential and international services, using purchases of labor and material. The primary forms of taxation are income (paid to individuals for their labor or earned by companies) and consumption of products and services (charged at time of purchase).
This is a closed cycle, complicated by governmental control of the availability of money.
Are you ready to re-take control over your work income? Get our free report on proven control strategies: https://tinyurl.com/yzdmakeu
Check out our next Re-take Control post on Monday when we’ll tie this cycle to the need for UBI.
#technologyimpact #employment #automation #jobloss #productivity
Here is the first of the categories of people in our new world of work:
NOT WORKING – Artists/Intellectuals – Volunteers – Business builders
We can expect that there will be many people – and not just young people – who will choose to spend their time in various virtual realities. They may enjoy their limited existence but will contribute nothing to society. For some, this will be where they spend vacations.
And then there will be those who are sick (physically or mentally) or in recovery. They will mostly move in and out of this category.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://tinyurl.com/4znz9k6u
Check out our next Careers post on Tuesday.
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“We are very close to a time when we are going to notice that AI is doing almost everything for us.” (Shelly Palmer)
For background, see my post on Shelly Palmer’s article: https://tinyurl.com/a6z58774
And the more AI does for us, the more we will expect it to do. What Shelly is talking about is not specifically AI, but applications, including robotics, that use various forms of AI.
I expect that within a few years we will not be talking about AI very much. Anymore than we now talk about the internet. As basic technologies become ubiquitous, we just assume its presence.
For background, see my post on Shelly Palmer’s article: https://tinyurl.com/a6z58774
Shelly lists “every doctor, lawyer, accountant—every knowledge worker” as being “AI-amplified” to the point that the need for them will be “substantially” reduced. And that means the need for their support staff – assistants, administrators, interns – will also plummet. The 2023 McKinsey Global Institute study observed that employing humans will become an illogical option in some professions!
This reduction in employment will take longer to happen where there is a current shortage of professionals, as in general practitioners.
The challenge to the professions is how to replace the traditional career paths if there is only demand for experienced professionals. How will beginners gain the experiences to become ‘experienced practitioners’?
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://tinyurl.com/4znz9k6u
Check out our next Careers post on Thursday.
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For background, see my post on Shelly Palmer’s article: https://tinyurl.com/a6z58774
Shelley talks about millions of “the untrained and untrainable” being “rendered economically useless”. And he is right. For example, many have recognized that so-called upskilling laid-off truck drivers to become technology workers will only work for a small group of the millions who will lose their jobs to autonomous trucks.
And then there are many others competent to handle the technology jobs who can’t find work because the jobs will just not be available. And this will be especially true if we enter the time of economic turmoil that many are predicting.
Initially, this will likely cause social unrest. But the reduction in paid employment will affect so many workers that governments will have to find a different system of support for them, which we will discuss next week.
Are you ready to re-take control over your work income? Get our free report on proven control strategies: https://tinyurl.com/yzdmakeu
Check out our next Re-take Control post on Monday.
#technologyimpact #employment #automation #jobloss #productivity
For background, see my post on Shelly Palmer’s article: https://tinyurl.com/a6z58774
The need for tradespeople must be considered in two major areas – servicing existing entities (such as buildings, cars, manufacturing facilities, etc.), and participating in the production of these entities.
Existing buildings are likely to be around for decades. The need to service their plumbing, electrical circuitry, and HVAC systems will last as long as the buildings. At some point, servicing robots will replace human tradespeople.
Other entities, especially cars, will require service by tradespeople for a far shorter time. Eventually, the cost of buying and maintaining their technological replacements will justify mothballing them (or leaving them to hobbyists). The unknown is which will come first – mothballing or servicing robots.
The need for tradespeople in the production of these entities is dwindling fast. Robots are already replacing bricklayers, plasterers, painters, labourers, welders, and carpenters. They are currently taking on some of the workload of others. Modular units are also eliminating the need for some tradespeople.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://tinyurl.com/4znz9k6u
Check out our next Careers post on Tuesday.
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“There is a dark side to all of this. For every job AI creates, it will likely eliminate many more, fundamentally altering the fabric of our economy.” (Shelly Palmer)
For background, see my post on Shelly Palmer’s article: https://tinyurl.com/a6z58774
There is a likely dark side while governments face the consequences of their inaction. They will not have prepared for the inevitable reduction in paid employment.
Major levels of unemployment cause a double whammy for governments. The unemployed will need social assistance, and governments will have less income taxes in their coffers to provide it.
But there is a bright side that could emerge if the taxation system is revised to eliminate income taxes and rely totally on consumption taxes.
For background, see Monday’s post. https://tinyurl.com/a6z58774
Shelly listed 14 jobs from plumbers to coaches that “are going to thrive until humanoid robots become extraordinarily capable.” Do you agree with his list? What would be on your list?
Personally, I agree with plumbers. (It will be decades before houses with current or older plumbing systems will not need them.) I disagree with carpenters. (Robots can measure once and cut once.) I also question “pre-school, ECE, and K-6 teachers” because I see those occupations as based on a current school system that I expect to be replaced by personalized education (supplemented by social activities).
Whatever our thoughts, one reality is for certain. Someone somewhere will be working on automating every job.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://tinyurl.com/4znz9k6u
Check out our next Careers post on Thursday.
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For background, see Monday’s post. https://tinyurl.com/a6z58774
Intelligence can be defined as the ability to apply logic and reason to knowledge. Robots will have a significant advantage In the area of knowledge until brain-computer interfaces become commonplace (as they will eventually). OpenAI’s Strawberry already appears to be capable of exceeding average human intelligence.
The question “Can we automate what makes us human?” requires defining what specifically makes us human, for which there is no clear definition. It would include non-intellectual areas such as self-awareness, emotions (especially empathy), and skills such as creativity and critical thinking. Notice that these are standard characteristics of human evolution.
When humans are learning new capabilities, they are often taught to “fake it until you make it”. Robots may never ‘make it’. But they are likely to do an increasingly better job of ‘faking it’. Perhaps, before they become a superior race, humans will have evolved physically and merged with robots as part of the cyborg race!
Are you ready to re-take control over your work income? Get our free report on proven control strategies: https://tinyurl.com/yzdmakeu
Check out our next Re-take Control post on Monday.
#technologyimpact #employment #automation #jobloss #productivity
For background, see Monday’s post. https://tinyurl.com/a6z58774
The application of new technologies will replace manual workers, while often creating new jobs, especially in the areas of supervision and maintenance. The issues are that the number of displaced workers will far exceed the requirement for new workers, and that the skills involved in the new jobs may not include those for the lost jobs.
For example, autonomous trucks will displace millions of truckers, while introducing truck fleet control hubs which will only employ thousands.
Some new jobs, like prompt engineering, will appear but will not last as the technology expands its capabilities.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://tinyurl.com/4znz9k6u
Check out our next Careers post on Tuesday.
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“Our smartphones will evolve into cognitive prosthetics anticipating our needs, scheduling appointments, and making decisions on our behalf.” (Shelly Palmer)
For background, see Monday’s post. https://tinyurl.com/a6z58774
What a wonderfully evocative term: ‘cognitive prosthetics’ – a (partial) replacement for the mind!
The general functioning is right on, and understand that, by the time this future has happened (3 to 8 years), the smartphone will have evolved into an attached or implanted device, eventually part of each person’s brain-computer-interface.
Our mindsets represent our views of the world – how we think about family and work and other people; generally, how we think about life. They influence everything we do (and don’t do). Whether we thrive in this new world of work or not depends on the mindsets we choose to adopt.
Becoming a successful entrepreneur requires a mindset shift from that of an employee or a self-employed professional. You are no longer trading your time for compensation. You are creating value for a product (or service), and you will only be paid based on what your customers perceive as that value. The time you spend is irrelevant.
If you want to grow your business, you cannot afford for its existence to be dependent on your knowledge or activity. You will need to develop a system for the creation, marketing and delivery of your product that is independent of your presence.
The advantage of that system is that you can take a holiday, and your business will still make money while you’re away. The disadvantages of that system are that to create it you had to work harder and longer than you likely ever did as an employee, and you had to risk the possibility of failure.
You will need the support of a mentor. Check out www.acorn-masterminds.com for possible options.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://tinyurl.com/4znz9k6u
Check out our next Careers post on Thursday.
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Robots are very efficient. Data shows robots helping companies to operate with half the staff, yet doubling production. Amazon uses over 750,000 robots.
Check out these YouTube videos: (Links not provided because of LinkedIn restrictions.)
- WRC 2024 – China’s largest robot exhibition | Robots and technologies at the exhibition in China
- The Tesla Bot 2025 Update is HERE!
- Humanoid Robots, the Job Market & Mass Automation – The Current State of AI
- Chinese Automated Car Factory of the FUTURE!
- Introducing NEO Beta | A Humanoid Robot for the Home (Plus following videos)
Are you ready to re-take control over your work income? Get our free report on proven control strategies: https://tinyurl.com/yzdmakeu
Check out our next Re-take Control post on Monday.
#technologyimpact #employment #automation #jobloss #productivity #additivemanufacturing #3dprinting #4dprinting
- Innovation is the specific tool of entrepreneurs, the means by which they exploit change as an opportunity for a different business or a different service. (Peter Drucker)
- Entrepreneurs stand before a canvas as empty as any painter’s; a page as blank as any poet’s. (George Gilder)
- I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance. (Steve Jobs)
- Entrepreneurs must love what they do to such a degree that doing it is worth sacrifice and, at times, pain. But doing anything else, we think, would be unimaginable. (Howard Schultz)
- An entrepreneur is someone willing to go out on a limb, having it cut off behind her, and discovering she had wings all the time. (Leigh Thomas)
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://tinyurl.com/4znz9k6u
Check out our next Careers post on Tuesday.
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“Happiness is like a butterfly – the more you chase it, the more it will elude you. But, if you pay attention to other matters, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder.” (Ancient Chinese Saying)
We live in a world in which if we want something then we are expected to go out and get it. Furthermore, we are encouraged to visualize getting it in order to make it happen. And this is generally right in our business or personal life.
But there’s something freeing in letting go and accepting whatever the fates have in store for us (whatever ‘the fates’ are). And maybe for a feeling as ill-defined as happiness, that approach is better. What do you think?
Our mindsets represent our views of the world – how we think about family and work and other people; generally, how we think about life. They influence everything we do (and don’t do). Whether we thrive in this new world of work or not depends on the mindsets we choose to adopt.
Whether we are employed, or are contractors in the gig economy, or even if we’re self-employed, there is a major risk in relying on only one source of income.
The accelerating impact of technologies not only increases the likelihood of our primary income source being automated, but also increases the competition for whatever work remains.
So, if we are employed, it is wise to develop a side income (known as a side hustle). Similarly, as a contractor or self-employed, we need to avoid being primarily dependent on a single client or customer – even on a single skill or industry.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://tinyurl.com/4znz9k6u
Check out our next Careers post on Thursday.
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Additive Manufacturing (often referred to as 3D-Printing) is the technology that builds 3D objects by adding layer-upon-layer of material (such as plastic, metal, concrete, glass or human tissue). The process is controlled by 3D modeling software. It was initially used for rapid prototyping. Now, it is used for manufacturing products as diverse as multi-story buildings, space rockets, human organs, and guns. The technology was initially invented in Japan in 1981.
4D-Printing is a technology that evolved from 3d-Printing. It is a process that involves creating intelligent parts or products whose physical properties change over time, responding to the environment. The change could result from heat or other chemical reactions.
Check out these YouTube videos: (Links not provided because of LinkedIn restrictions.)
- ‘What is Additive Manufacturing?’ by Collins Aerospace
- Where Does Additive Manufacturing Make Sense?
- We Can 3D Print Human Organs Now
- Construction 3D Printing with Robotics
- 4D Printing Explained: The Future of Manufacturing
Are you ready to re-take control over your work income? Get our free report on proven control strategies: https://tinyurl.com/yzdmakeu
Check out our next Re-take Control post on Monday.
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* Never depend on a single income. Make investments to create a second source. (Warren Buffet)
* It is not the economy that determines your income, it is your own personal development. (Mac Duke)
* The greater the passive income you can build, the freer you will become. (Todd M. Fleming)
* Learn to fish (income), share your fish (community service), teach others to fish (multiply yourself). Then find another sidestream, with different fish (diversify income). And before THAT sidestream dries up, plant a garden (manage risk), like Thomas Jefferson (genius) would have done. (Jennifer Ritchie Payette)
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://tinyurl.com/4znz9k6u
Check out our next Careers post on Tuesday.
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“Yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow only a vision; but today well-lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. (Kalidasa, 4th Century Indian philosopher and poet)
This quote led me to sign off my emails with ‘Live a wonderful day’.
Most of us spend too much time thinking of the mistakes we’ve made in the past or worrying about what troubles we might face in the future. (Worrying is a useless emotion that “does not take away tomorrow’s troubles but does take away today’s peace.”) We need to focus on making the best of the day we’re living.
Our mindsets represent our views of the world – how we think about family and work and other people; generally, how we think about life. They influence everything we do (and don’t do). Whether we thrive in this new world of work or not depends on the mindsets we choose to adopt.
A positive attitude linked with action always makes a positive contribution to any team’s performance. It is not enough to just be optimistic; The optimism must be reflected in action.
When automation is implemented in an organization, especially if jobs are eliminated, the atmosphere amongst the survivors may be negative. Those that stay positive make a significant contribution to productivity and are the employees that management will want to keep.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://tinyurl.com/4znz9k6u
Check out our next Careers post on Thursday.
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Almost all industries and professions are introducing technologies that will reduce the need for human labor. But the penetration of the new technologies is at a very early stage.
A McKinsey Global Institute 2023 study forecasted that nearly 70 million U.S. workers would have to find new occupations by 2030. (Total US employment is over 160 million.) This will be caused by advances in robotics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. The study observed that employing humans will become an illogical option in some professions! The unstated question was whether those new occupations will be available.
Are you ready to re-take control over your work income? Get our free report on proven control strategies: https://tinyurl.com/yzdmakeu
Check out our next Re-take Control post on Monday.
#technologyimpact #employment #automation #jobloss #productivity
* If you can quit, quit. If you don’t quit, stop complaining – this is what you chose. (Joe Konrath)
* It’s a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack. (Germany Kent)
* Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction. (Germany Kent)
* All I can control is myself and just keep having a positive attitude. (Rose Namajunas)
* Never complain about that which you tolerate. (Mike Murdoch)
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://tinyurl.com/4znz9k6u
Check out our next Careers post on Tuesday.
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“Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction.” (Germany Kent)
This quote was included in yesterday’s post of can-do positive attitude quotes, along with Mike Murdoch’s “Never complain about that which you tolerate.”
There are many challenges in today’s world of work. Much we can’t do anything about. When those challenges might result in the loss of a job, we can choose to complain about them, or we can choose to regard them as an opportunity to take our life in a new direction. That is our choice.
Our mindsets represent our views of the world – how we think about family and work and other people; generally, how we think about life. They influence everything we do (and don’t do). Whether we thrive in this new world of work or not depends on the mindsets we choose to adopt.
Curiosity is the basis of all discovery – whether new technologies, scientific advances, problem solution, or how to do something you’ve never done before.
Be curious to learn how and why your employer does something that is important to their business. Find a different way to do it. But don’t stop there. Once we know two solutions to a problem, we can usually find other solutions. Then present the best alternative.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://tinyurl.com/4znz9k6u
Check out our next Careers post on Thursday.
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As they have done for humans, companies have to develop training programs for their synthetic employees. There are two levels of training – function-specific and company-specific. Today we’ll just talk about function-specific training.
We’ve been impressed by video demonstrations of robots dancing and prancing. But the real-life needs are for robots to perform useful functions like carrying boxes, picking items up without crushing them, and avoiding bumping into humans (and other robots).
We’re close to being able to perform all those functions. The focus now is for robots to be able to read emotions in voice and facial expressions, and to express empathy – a basic human emotion.
Tesla’s approach to the development of autonomous operations has been to depend on learning from reactions (especially mistakes) to visual cues (like we humans do) rather than a rule-based approach of defining the environment and rules to traverse it. Tesla’s software was easily transferred from Tesla cars to Optimus – from one robot to another.
We are early days into the development of agents, although many will be announced in the next year or so. The initial emphasis has been on personal assistants to support individual activities like calendaring and reservations.
Are you ready to re-take control over your work income? Get our free report on proven control strategies: https://tinyurl.com/yzdmakeu
Check out our next Re-take Control post on Monday.
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* If you bring curiosity to your work it will cease to be merely a job and become a door through which you enter the best that life has to give you. (Robertson Davies)
* Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas. (Marie Curie)
* The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity. (Ellen Parr)
* Curiosity is the beginning of wisdom. (Françoise Sagan)
* I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious. (Albert Einstein)
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://tinyurl.com/4znz9k6u
Check out our next Careers post on Tuesday.
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“There are two ways to receive Wisdom: Mistakes and Mentors.” (Mike Murdock)
You’ve probably heard the saying that “Good judgment (i.e. wisdom) comes from experience; And experience comes from bad judgment.”
One of the primary roles of mentors is to use their experiences to help their mentees avoid the mistakes that they have made. Mentees should expect to hear a lot of stories from their mentors’ lives. If that works as intended, mentees will get their experience from their own mistakes.
Our mindsets represent our views of the world – how we think about family and work and other people; generally, how we think about life. They influence everything we do (and don’t do). Whether we thrive in this new world of work or not depends on the mindsets we choose to adopt.
Today we’re considering a mindset of Comfort with Change – and those two words – Comfort and Change – are not compatible for most of us! Yet our world of work is being subjected to accelerating change which is affecting most of our jobs. I’ve retired friends who are grateful that they don’t have to adjust to all the changes they see where they used to work.
There are 3 approaches to change that we can choose: We can oppose it (negative); We can accept it (passive); Or we can embrace it (positive).
We need to embrace the changes! Accept that they are inevitable and look for where they can benefit us. Every time something changes, there are opportunities for those who are looking for them.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://tinyurl.com/4znz9k6u
Check out our next Careers post on Thursday.
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Shelly Palmer has an excellent daily blog on current technology and its associated issues. On Sunday, June 9th, 2024, he introduced (at least to me) the concept of the ‘Synthetic’ employee.
This is a valuable concept for understanding how business organizations are going to evolve in a world of work in which tasks are increasingly automated and the definition of jobs assigned to ‘humans’ are under constant change.
It is also a valuable concept for employees concerned about their ongoing role as the definition of their jobs change. It will help to establish a timeline for when they need to decide whether to passively await the elimination of their employment or to proactively make a change to a new career or self-employment.
We will discuss the definition of a synthetic employee in next Monday’s post.
Are you ready to re-take control over your work income? Get our free report on proven control strategies: https://tinyurl.com/yzdmakeu
Check out our next Re-take Control post on Monday.
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* The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance. (Alan Watts)
* Funny thing about change, it’s like pulling off a bandage. Hurts like hell when you do it, but you always feel better after. (Danny Devito)
* Change is the process by which the future invades our lives. (Alvin Toffler)
* Failure is not fatal but failure to change might be. (John Wooden)
* It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. (Charles Darwin)
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://tinyurl.com/4znz9k6u
Check out our next Careers post on Tuesday.
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“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. (Charles Darwin)
Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution through natural selection was introduced in 1859 in “On the Origin of Species”. The basis of survival has often been misunderstood to refer to physical strength or intellectual ability. Yet Darwin actually refers to “responsive to change”, which we would call adaptability or flexibility.
What applies to the survival of humanity also applies to the survival of employees in the work force.
Our mindsets represent our views of the world – how we think about family and work and other people; generally, how we think about life. They influence everything we do (and don’t do). Whether we thrive in this new world of work or not depends on the mindsets we choose to adopt.
Interpersonal communication in today’s world is complex. We may be communicating by talking, writing, texting, emailing, or social media posting – to almost anywhere in the world. And the object of our communication may come from different cultures and speak different languages – or may be virtual assistants or robots. Or your avatar will be speaking to my avatar!
Most messages are sent immediately and can be replied to almost immediately. This provides wonderful functionality, but it comes at a cost. The fast response time reduces the opportunity to think! (Anyone sent an email and forgot to include something? Or reacted emotionally?)
Over 60% of face-to-face communication is non-verbal (including tone of voice, emphasis, facial expression, and body positioning).
There is a 7-word sentence “I did not say he stole money” which has 7 different meanings as you emphasize each of the words. Try it! Then think how you would communicate each meaning in a text message or email!
This creates complexities that we all must deal with if we are to communicate effectively – and effective communication is key to becoming a valuable employee or successful professional.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide:
Check out our next Careers post on Thursday.
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We’ve all read quotes from technology companies and consultants that the new technology will free us up to perform more meaningful work. That is a half-truth. The less meaningful work will be eliminated – that is true. But the number of people required to do the meaningful work will be far less – that is also true! Whenever you hear of productivity increases, think of job loss!
To regain control of your work income, you need to develop the mindset of an independent contractor and take deliberate action.
Are you ready to re-take control over your work income? Get our free report on proven control strategies: https://tinyurl.com/yzdmakeu
Check out our next Re-take Control post on Monday.
#technologyimpact #employment #automation #jobloss #productivity
* The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. (Author Unidentified)
* Sometimes there is greater lack of communication in facile talking than in silence. (Faith Baldwin)
* You must possess at the same time the habit of communicating and the habit of listening. The union is rather rare, but irresistible. (Benjamin Disraeli)
* The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said. (Peter F. Drucker)
* Treat everyone as they would have you treat them. (Platinum Rule)
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://tinyurl.com/4znz9k6u
Check out our next Careers post on Tuesday.
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“Treat everyone as they would have you treat them.” (The Platinum Rule)
“Do unto others as you would have others do unto you” is known as the Golden Rule. It is one of history’s oldest ethical principles with earlier versions appearing independently in China, India, Mesopotamia (current-day Iraq), and Egypt over three thousand years ago.
But how you want to be treated can be very different in different cultures. For example, the way people greet each other (shaking hands, hugging, bowing) is different. You don’t want to hug someone (which is how you like to be greeted) when they prefer no contact at all!
So, the Rule is only effective in a monocultural environment; otherwise, there is a whiff of arrogance! That is why the Golden Rule has been modified into the Platinum Rule above.
Our mindsets represent our views of the world – how we think about family and work and other people; generally, how we think about life. They influence everything we do (and don’t do). Whether we thrive in this new world of work or not depends on the mindsets we choose to adopt.
As an employee, we need to establish the mindset that clients (or customers) are the lifeblood of our employer – and treat them accordingly.
A business only survives long term if it sells quality products or services that clients want at a price that provides good value. In addition, the client needs to have both a quality experience in acquiring and using the product or service, and positive experiences in any contacts with customer service and other support services subsequent to the sale.
As employees, we also serve internal clients, including our supervisor and their management structure, and sometimes other departments. This requires us to think like an independent contractor!
Overall, we always need to remember that our jobs exist because our skills are needed by our employer – which does not imply entitlement, so much as appreciation. As paid jobs become scarcer, an attitude of gratitude that we are employed is desirable, even when we know our skills are essential for our employer.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide:
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Technological changes have been accelerating for the past sixty years. In 1965, there were only 64 transistors on a chip. Gordon Moore, the co-founder of Intel, suggested that the number of transistors would double every two years, while the cost of computing would halve (Moore’s Law). Now there are over 2 trillion transistors on a microchip!
Other major contributing factors to the increasing speed of innovation are:
- Improved communications between researchers around the world.
- Combining multiple technologies (as in autonomous driving).
It’s natural for us humans to expect change to be linear. Most people, even experts, have difficulty accepting the speed of exponential growth. In 2015, 352 AI experts were surveyed to determine when they expected GO champions to be defeated by AI. Their average response was 12 years, when in fact it took 2 years!
2023 was a year of significant technological advances – not only related to ChatGPT, but also in other fields (biotechnology, autonomous cars, drone warfare, etc.). What can we expect in 2024?
Do you have a ‘Plan B’ for the day when your employer no longer needs you?
We offer you proven strategics to protect your income: https://tinyurl.com/hxpr4vbc
Check out the next Job Loss post on Monday to learn why many software developers may not be needed.
#technologyimpact #employment #automation #jobloss #productivity
“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” (Bill Gates)
“Customer service shouldn’t just be a department; it should be the entire company.” (Tony Hsieh)
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” (Maya Angelou)
“We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It’s our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better.” (Jeff Bezos)
“The customer is usually wrong; but statistics indicate that it doesn’t pay to tell him so.” (Aleister Crowley)
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide: https://tinyurl.com/4znz9k6u
Check out our next Careers post on Tuesday.
#careerplanning #learning #relationships #mindsets #newcareers
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. (Maya Angelou)
This quote was included in yesterday’s post on client/customer relationships. But of course, it applies to all human (and probably animal 😊) relationships.
We all bring how we’re feeling to our interactions. When someone ignores us, our first, most natural reaction is to wonder what we’ve done wrong – when, in reality, it’s nothing to do with us. Someone is just having a bad day!
So, we need to be conscious of how we’re feeling and control our interactions with others – or let them know them how we’re feeling.
In our interactions with others, we need to try to make people feel accepted and respected.
There is a saying that “Methods are many; Principles are few. Methods always change; Principles never do.”
I remember teaching business systems design at Simon Fraser University in the 1970s and talking of the importance of backing up programs and data. I also taught that a major responsibility of a systems designer is to protect computer users from themselves. Both principles apply today 50 years later (and are frequently ignored), even though the methods to do so are vastly different.
It is difficult and frustrating to keep learning skills that need to be re-learned a year or two later as methods change, even though we must. The best way to deal with it is to drill down into a skill and learn the underpinning principles. Then, when a new variation comes along, you can more easily understand and master it.
An effective way to discover the underlying principles is to question why something is done or designed the way it is – and then to question why the answer was chosen. Repeat this process until you end up finding no deeper explanation – and there you have a core principle.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide:
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Every industry and profession face a trend of creeping automation, resulting in increased productivity and (if they are not in growth mode) reduced employment.
Let’s discuss computer software developers. This job has been and will continue to be at the heart of the automation process.
It is also the job that society is promoting as the one most expected to experience increased demand. Educational facilities are adding courses. Career counsellors are encouraging clients to select it. Governments are funding upskilling and reskilling programs for it.
There are about 30 million professional software developers in the world, with 6 million in North America. And demand is increasing for developers to create computer software for AI applications, and to upgrade existing information systems.
Yet this function too is subject to automation.
Do you have a ‘Plan B’ for the day when your employer no longer needs you?
We offer you proven strategics to protect your income: https://tinyurl.com/hxpr4vbc
Check out the next Job Loss post on Monday to learn why many software developers may not be needed.
#technologyimpact #employment #automation #jobloss #productivity
* Circumstances should never alter principles! (Oscar Wilde)
* Important principles may, and must, be inflexible. (Abraham Lincoln)
* A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both. (Dwight D. Eisenhower)
* Principles do not mainly influence even the principled; we talk on principle, but we act on interest. (Walter Savage Landor)
* You can’t learn too soon that the most useful thing about a principle is that it can always be sacrificed to expediency. (W. Somerset Maugham)
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide:
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#careerplanning #learning #digitalliteracy #mindsets #newcareers
“A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.” (Dwight D. Eisenhower)
This quote was included in yesterday’s post on core principles. Dwight Eisenhower also warned us that “We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.”
It seems to me that the two quotes are related and apply to the current world we live in. If we stuck to the basic principles of earning what we get (no entitlement or theft), and of respecting other human beings (and their cultures and countries), would the world not be in a much better place? What do you think?
Computers are now an essential part of our lives, whether on our desks or in our pockets. And then there are nanobots, tiny computers that go inside us.
We are entering a time when many everyday items, like watches and fridges and lamps, contain small computers to communicate with the outside world (‘The Internet of Things’). Almost everything is or will be connected. Great for collecting data to be used by AI algorithms, but a bit of a worry when we consider privacy issues!
Computers are the basic engines for most technological advances. If we want to use them effectively, we need to understand what they can do, their strengths, and their limitations. (But we don’t need to be able to program them ourselves.) And this requirement also applies to computer-involved technologies, such as AI, communications, the internet, sensors, etc.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide:
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Here are some US statistics:
- More than 3,900 companies announced mass layoffs in 2023. This included technology companies laying off over 260,000 employees.
- In January and February 2024, over 1,500 companies announced mass layoffs. This included technology companies laying off 19.300 employees. Companies involved included Citigroup, UPS, PayPal, Microsoft, Google and Amazon.
- There were over 17,000 business bankruptcies in 2023, including 400+ corporations.
Most of these statistics involve large employers. Yet small businesses employ over 50% of the labor force. How many of them have already had to lay off staff?
Do you have a ‘Plan B’ for the day when your employer no longer needs you?
We offer you proven strategics to protect your income: https://tinyurl.com/hxpr4vbc
Check out the next Job Loss post on Monday.
#technologyimpact #employment #automation #jobloss #productivity
* I think there’s a world market for about 5 computers. (Thomas J. Watson, Chairman of the Board, IBM, circa 1948)
* If you automate a mess, you get an automated mess. (Rod Michael)
* More and more, job listings are exclusively available online and as technology evolves, nearly every occupation now requires a basic level of digital literacy with web navigation, email access, and participation in social media. (Michael K. Powell)
* As the border between physical and digital gets more permeable, a new kind of literacy emerges. And that literacy is built on a foundation of code – whether it’s the codes of letters and words, or the code of bits and algorithms. (John Battelle)
* A computer does not substitute for judgment any more than a pencil substitutes for literacy. But writing without a pencil is no particular advantage. (Nicholas Negroponte)
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide:
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“If you automate a mess, you get an automated mess.” (Rod Michael)
This quote was included in yesterday’s post on computer cognition (i.e. digital literacy).
It reminds me of the danger in assuming that describing an existing operation in a detailed prompt is sufficient to automate a procedure effectively, never mind to optimize it.
Manual systems often depend on the experience of the people operating them – and sometimes the people themselves don’t know why they do what they do.
I remember attempts to automate the operation of a steel rolling mill. The superintendent was renowned for knowing when the rollers needed replacing before quality became an issue. He claimed it was his experience; in fact, it was something very simple. He sensed when the vibration of the floor in his office above the mill changed!
It took a competent systems analyst – an old-school job title – to work out what to specify for the automation. That skill would surely be difficult for anyone to teach an AI model.
Last week we discussed Continuous Learning, and this week we are considering the complexity that arises when multiple accelerating technologies work together to create a new technological advance.
Let’s look at autonomous cars as an example. In addition to AI in their operational control, other integrated technologies include sensor, battery, and remote communications.
It’s human nature to think of linear timelines! We all do that – which is why most forecasts of technological advances have been too conservative, even within the AI field. For example, in 2015, a survey of 352 AI experts predicted that it would take 12 years for a machine to beat a GO champion, when in fact it took 2 years!
Wherever we work, technology is impacting our work – and, if it doesn’t appear to be doing so directly, then it is impacting us indirectly through the organizations we work with. We need to maintain awareness of all the relevant technological advances.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide:
Check out our next Careers post on Thursday.
#careerplanning #learning #continuouslearning #mindsets #newcareers
Here are some US statistics:
- More than 3,900 companies announced mass layoffs in 2023. This included technology companies laying off over 260,000 employees.
- In January and February 2024, over 1,500 companies announced mass layoffs. This included technology companies laying off 19.300 employees. Companies involved included Citigroup, UPS, PayPal, Microsoft, Google and Amazon.
- There were over 17,000 business bankruptcies in 2023, including 400+ corporations.
Most of these statistics involve large employers. Yet small businesses employ over 50% of the labor force. How many of them have already had to lay off staff?
Do you have a ‘Plan B’ for the day when your employer no longer needs you?
We offer you proven strategics to protect your income: https://tinyurl.com/hxpr4vbc
Check out the next Job Loss post on Monday.
#technologyimpact #employment #automation #jobloss #productivity
Here are some quotes on compounding technology:
* Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. (Arthur C. Clarke)
* If we had a reliable way to label our toys good and bad, it would be easy to regulate technology wisely. But we can rarely see far enough ahead to know which road leads to damnation. (Freeman Dyson)
* Technological advance is rapid. But without progress in charity, technological advance is useless. Indeed, it is worse than useless. (Aldous Huxley)
* Technology…is a queer thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other. (C. P. Snow)
* Technology evolves so much faster than wisdom. (Jennifer Stone)
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide:
Check out our next Careers post on Tuesday.
#careerplanning #learning #continuouslearning #mindsets #newcareers
“Technology evolves so much faster than wisdom.” (Jennifer Stone)
This quote was included in yesterday’s post on compounding technology. It seems so relevant to what we are seeing today with the reaction to generative AI, which has evolved since its inception in November 30, 2022 probably faster than any previous technology.
The European Union has pushed through controlling legislation, while the US Congress is unsure what to do. There is general acceptance that AI is becoming so powerful that some guardrails are necessary. But it is unclear what they should be.
Technology is expanding faster than any government legislation can keep up with – and because technological progress is accelerating, the gap will get increasingly large.
Perhaps the issue is beyond government control – and the guardrails that are needed are a set of guiding principles. What do you think? What should those principles be?
Here are more excerpts from the fictitious AEI’s meeting of executives:
Diraj Singh, VP Marketing and Sales
“We don’t want to reduce any sales staff. But Marketing has started to use GPT4 to generate marketing copy, and they won’t need as many people as they use now. Mind you, I’m told we might have to hire a so-called prompt engineer.
We’re looking at replacing our entire Customer Service Department by using chat technology. We would need to keep a couple of Service Agents to handle the more serious issues, and IT may need to provide more support.”
Fred Friendly, VP-Human Resources
“The cuts we’ve already discussed will let me reduce my own staff. For example, I have 2 people devoted to handling the exiting, hiring, and onboarding of Fatima’s IT developers. And keeping the Customer Service Department fully staffed is also a major workload.”
What are you doing to prepare for the day when your employer no longer needs you?
We offer you proven strategies to protect your income: https://lnkd.in/g_KHa-_f
Check out our next Job Loss post on Wednesday for a summary of the jobs lost.
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Last week we discussed Curiosity, and Curiosity is an integral component of this week’s discussion of Continuous Learning.
The accelerating impact of technology on job tasks creates an increasingly short lifespan of specific technical skills. Many different areas are being affected – IT (software development), Marketing (content creation, customer service), Manufacturing. Biotechnology, Material science, Nanotechnology, Communications, etc. Some of these areas, such as quantum mechanics and graphene, change long-accepted scientific theory.
We all need to be continuously learning in order to be productive in our jobs.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide:
Check out our next Careers post on Thursday.
#careerplanning #learning #continuouslearning #mindsets #newcareers
PRAMS: The Five Ways Technology Eats Jobs
I hope you found the excerpts from AEI’s executive meeting in the past two posts realistic. As the economy gets more challenging for businesses, we can expect many similar real meetings with subsequent job losses.
We can summarize the past 6 weeks of posts identifying different ways in which technology will cause a loss of jobs by using the acronym PRAMS:
P – Increased PRODUCTIVITY means less people doing the same job.
R – New technology REPLACING the need for staff for a significant function/department.
A – New system AUTOMATING manual work, eliminating manual tasks.
M – Fewer people reduces the need for MANAGEMENT or supervision.
S – Fewer people requires fewer staff SUPPORT workers.
What are you doing to prepare for the day when your employer no longer needs you?
We offer you proven strategics to protect your income: https://tinyurl.com/mr3z6247
Check out the next Job Loss post on Monday.
#technologyimpact #employment #automation #jobloss #productivity
Here are some quotes on continuous learning.
The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn. (Alvin Toffler)
The day you stop learning is the day you begin decaying. (Isaac Asimov)
Be open to learning new lessons even if they contradict the lessons you learned yesterday. (Ellen DeGeneres)
The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance. It is the illusion of knowledge. (Stephen Hawking)
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. (Mahatma Gandhi)
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide:
Check out our next Careers post on Tuesday.
#careerplanning #learning #continuouslearning #mindsets #newcareers
“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance. It is the illusion of knowledge.” (Stephen Hawking)
This great quote was included in yesterday’s post on Continuous Learning. It strikes me as an important perspective for life in our current cancel culture. We are naturally inclined to accept the claim by governments at all levels that their decisions are based on the latest science. Yet often they are selective in their claims of scientific support.
Where it is important to us (or our families). it is our individual responsibility to research the claims and make our own decisions.
We’ve discussed the 5 ways in which technology can create job loss. The next 3 posts will try to make this issue more realistic by quoting extracts from a meeting of executives of the fictitious Associated Electronic Industries, a large manufacturer of electronic parts, which employs about 500 people. AEI likes to be an early adopter of technology and already uses many robots in its manufacturing processes. The company is concerned about an economic downturn and wants to be ready to survive it.
In preparation for a Board Meeting, AEI’s CEO, Sam Kennedy, called a meeting of senior executives to discuss how they can use technology to reduce staffing. She wants to reduce salary costs, but without affecting productivity and even absorbing a slow growth in sales.
What are you doing to prepare for the day when your employer no longer needs you?
We offer you proven strategies to protect your income: https://tinyurl.com/mr3z6247
Check out our next Job Loss post on Wednesday for Part 2.
#lostjob #technologyimpact #employment #automation #jobloss
Rather than describing curiosity myself, I’m quoting the perspective of Clara Ma, aged 12 in 2009. ‘Curiosity’ was her winning entry in a competition to name NASA’s Mars rover vehicle. It is said that all children are born curious – and its loss may be the biggest loss that we adults suffer.
“Curiosity is an everlasting flame that burns in everyone’s mind. It makes me get out of bed in the morning and wonder what surprises life will throw at me that day. Curiosity is such a powerful force. Without it we wouldn’t be who we are. Curiosity is the passion that drives us through our everyday lives. We have become explorers and scientists with our need to ask questions and to wonder.”
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide:
Check out our next Careers post on Thursday.
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Here is the first of two excerpts from the fictitious AEI’s meeting of executives:
Sonia Hu, VP-Technical Support
“Let me start because we’re about to make a major change that will affect Fatima Sharif’s IT Department.
We’ve been experimenting with Copilot, which I’m told is a turbocharged autocomplete for computer code. Whatever it is, it’s increased developer productivity by a factor of 2. That means our new product development team could be reduced by 4 developers if you don’t introduce any new systems. Of course, the maintenance team isn’t affected yet. But we could combine both teams under one lead, which would save another body.”
John Cash, VP-Finance
“We’re spread rather thin. But we are about to install a new automated system to handle expense reporting which will eliminate all paperwork. That will reduce the workload in all departments, especially in Sales.”
What are you doing to prepare for the day when your employer no longer needs you?
We offer you proven strategics to protect your income: https://tinyurl.com/mr3z6247
Check out the next Job Loss post on Monday for Part 3.
#lostjob #technologyimpact #employment #automation #jobloss
Here are some quotes on curiosity.
- The greatest weapons in the conquest of knowledge are an understanding mind and the inexorable curiosity that drives it on. (Isaac Asimov)
- If you bring curiosity to your work it will cease to be merely a job and become a door through which you enter the best that life has to give you. (Robertson Davies)
- When curiosity turns to serious matters, it’s called research. (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)
- The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards. (Anatole France)
- One of the secrets of life is to keep our intellectual curiosity acute. (William Lyon Phelps)
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide:
Check out our next Careers post on Tuesday.
#newcareer #mindsets #curiosity
“Rules are made for the obedience of fools – and the guidance of wise men. (Harry Day, WW1 and WW2 Flying Ace)
There’s always a reason why someone creates a rule. It may be a good reason, or it may be a bad reason. And the rule may only apply to some situations. It is only when we fully understand the reasons for a rule, that we know when we can break it.
All the employees and contractors in an organization need to be supported. The support people handle payroll and pension; Deal with hiring and firing; Maintain personnel records and contracts; Arrange for professional development; Handle computer and software acquisition and usage, and data security; etc. Many of these functions are usually the responsibility of the Human Resources department.
When the number of employees and contractors are reduced by automation, the number of support people may be reduced (not necessarily in proportion). For example, if there is a department with a high turnover rate (such as software developers or customer support), a reduction in their number reduces the workload of hiring, firing and onboarding.
What are you doing to prepare for the day when your employer no longer needs you?
We offer you proven strategies to protect your income: https://tinyurl.com/mr3z6247
Check out our next Job Loss post on Wednesday.
#lostjob #technologyimpact #employment #automation #jobloss
The mindset about work that my parents, and maybe your parents, taught was that, if we wanted to have a successful career, we would get a good degree (or qualify as a journeyman), arrive to work on time or earlier, work hard and productively, get on well with our fellow workers, make our managers look good, and be loyal to our employer – and maybe take a few courses to upgrade our skills and prepare ourselves for advancement. And if we did well by our employer, our employer would look after us when we were ready to retire.
How antiquated that seems now in today’s world of work!
Today, the fundamental mindset about work is that we need to think of ourselves as independent contractors, even if we are hired as an employee. We must look after our own careers and retirement, because no-one else will do it for us.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide:
Check out our next Careers post on Thursday.
#careerplanning #careerchange #lifevision #newcareers
The introduction of ChatGPT in November 2012 was the lynchpin whose removal will lead to a flood of reduced need for service workers, contractors and their management. The areas involved will include software development, graphic design, copywriters, human resources, and customer service. This will result in company re-organizations and overall massive job losses over the next 3 to 5 years.
Goldman Sachs economists believe that generative AI could replace up to 300 million jobs worldwide by 2030. (Note the impact of other AI technologies is not included.) The job loss has already started, even though the current impact is minimal as companies experiment with use cases and new apps are being developed. A Harvard Business School report says that, since the launch of ChatGPT, demand for freelance writers, coders, and app developers has declined by 21%.
What are you doing to prepare for the day when your employer no longer needs you?
We offer you proven strategics to protect your income: https://tinyurl.com/mr3z6247
Check out our next Job Loss post on Monday.
#lostjob #technologyimpact #employment #automation #jobloss
Here are some quotes on mindsets. Note the reference to ‘growth’ mindsets, as opposed to ‘fixed’ mindsets. There are of course mindsets about mindsets! You can have fixed mindsets, which you choose not to change, and you can have growth mindsets, which you recognize are subject to change.
- Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it. (Steve Maraboli)
- People with a growth mindset, welcome setbacks with open arms. (Travis Bradberry)
- To create something exceptional, your mindset must be relentlessly focused on the smallest detail. (Giorgio Armani)
- Quitting is never an option on the road to success. Find the way forward. If you have a positive mindset and are willing to persevere, there is little that is beyond your reach. (Roopleen)
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide:
Check out our next Careers post on Tuesday.
#technologyimpact #career #employment #careerchange #newcareer
“Prepare; Don’t predict.” (Dan Ferris)
No-one knows for sure what will happen – nor when. But we can consider different likely futures and prepare for at least some of them.
This is why I’ve been posting about job loss and career change. Technology will cause you to lose your job. The only unknown is when it will happen. And considering what alternate career would appeal to you is one way to prepare for the loss of your job.
#careerchange #jobloss #thefuture
Action tasks are automated when the cost of automation is lower than the manual cost of labor. This is particularly true for unskilled tasks.
Automated tasks Increase productivity which reduces the number of people needed to perform the same workload (such as when generative AI suggests code to software developers).
When all the tasks in a job are automated, the job is eliminated (such as when autonomous vehicles no longer need drivers).
Automated action tasks are the primary source of job loss resulting from automation. And they will continue to be, particularly as automation costs drop and labor costs increase.
What action tasks in your job are close to being automated?
We offer you proven strategies to protect your income: https://tinyurl.com/mr3z6247
Check out our next Job Loss post on Wednesday.
#lostjob #technologyimpact #employment #automation #jobloss
I value quotes highly – and I hope you do too. They represent the wisdom of the ages.
- The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away. (Pablo Picasso)
- Cherish your visions and your dreams. They are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements. (Napoleon Hill)
- If your dream doesn’t scare you, then you’re not dreaming big enough. (Mark Batterson)
- Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life because you become what you believe. (Oprah Winfrey)
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide:
Check out our next Careers post on Thursday.
#careerplanning #careerchange #lifevision #newcareers
Jobs that involve supervising people are subject to an HR concept called span of control. A span of control refers to the number of subordinates or direct reports a supervisor or manager is responsible for. It varies from about 5 to about 25, depending upon the type of work, the type of worker, and the experience of the manager.
So, what has span of control got to do with job automation?
If technology helps make workers more productive, then, for the same workload, you need fewer workers. If you have multiple teams, then you may need fewer team leaders or supervisors.
What are you doing to prepare for the day when your employer no longer needs you?
We offer you proven strategics to protect your income: https://tinyurl.com/mr3z6247
Check out our next Job Loss post on Monday.
#lostjob #technologyimpact #employment #automation #jobloss
Whether we thrive in this new world of work or not depends on the mindsets we choose to adopt. Our next few posts will discuss them in general, and then we’ll move on to discuss several specific mindsets.
Our mindsets represent our views of the world – how we think about family and work and other people; generally, how we think about life. They influence everything we do (and don’t do). We recognize that there are issues in the world that need to be addressed, and our mindset influences how involved we want to get, and what skills we need to develop to support our involvement.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide:
Check out our next Careers post on Tuesday.
#technologyimpact #career #employment #careerchange #newcareer
"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn." (Alvin Toffler)
In the past, we’ve acquired the knowledge and learned the skills required for the job we have (or want). But in today’s world of work with its accelerating technological change, the skills we acquire may be outdated before we’re ready to use them.
We need to develop other so-called soft skills to maintain our effectiveness, including:
- Flexibility, both cognitive and situational, to cope with technological and organizational change.
- Curiosity to understand the principles behind the tools we’re currently using so that we can understand the new methodologies.
- Interpersonal communication to collaborate virtually in teams, especially those involving people from different cultures.
#learning #softskille #technology #change #education
When we consider the tasks that make up a job, we find they fall into three types:
- Actions (like paying invoices or filing reports or writing software programs)
- Thinking (like planning or problem solving)
- People Interactions (with your manager, your staff, and others you interact with).
Wednesday’s post will show how technology causes job loss from each type of task differently. How is technology affecting your job?
You do have proven strategies to protect your income: https://tinyurl.com/mr3z6247
#lostjob #technologyimpact #employment #automation #jobloss
A life vision includes where you live, what family and friends you would have, what you would be doing for work and play, what you would own, what contributions you would make to your community – and perhaps, most importantly, the type of person you want to become, including for some a spiritual component.
Most of us don’t have a clear vision. We know some things we want, and move along a path towards them – or, if you’re like I was, with a somewhat dysfunctional childhood, we become survivors in life, living from day to day.
But remember Alice from last Tuesday’s quote! If you don’t have a vision, then you’ve given up control of what you and your life will become.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide:
Check out our next post on Thursday.
#careerplanning #careerchange #lifevision #newcareers
Each of the 3 types of job tasks – Actions; Thinking; People Interactions – is impacted differently by automated support:
- Actions can be replaced in part or totally.
- Thinking can be assisted by tools providing data access and analysis.
- People Interactions are impacted by smaller teams needing less supervision and support.
We’ll discuss how the automated support results in lost jobs in the next three posts. How is technology affecting your job now? How is it going to affect your job in a year’s time?
You do have proven strategics to protect your income: https://tinyurl.com/mr3z6247
Check out our next post on Monday.
#lostjob #technologyimpact #employment #automation #jobloss
The three necessary characteristics of a great life vision are:
- Inspirational (Daniel Burnham said: “Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir [our] blood, and probably themselves will not be realized.”)
- Credible (We need to believe that it is possible for us.)
- Imaginative (Not just a continuation of whatever we are doing!)
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide:
Check out our next post on Tuesday.
#technologyimpact #career #employment #careerchange #newcareer
“Good judgment comes from experience – and experience comes from bad judgment.” (Unknown)
When someone is successful, they don’t ask why; they just move on. Their approach may be a great strategy; but it also may be due to many possible factors – such as good timing, their particular style, a helpful environment, or just plain luck.
Listen to those who’ve made mistakes and learn what they did wrong. They may not teach you a great strategy – but you’ll learn what doesn’t work which is invaluable.
#judgment #goodjudgment #experience #badjudgment
It isn’t a question of IF technology will make your job unnecessary. It’s a question of WHEN.
Let me explain.
Your job consists of a number of functions.
Each function consists of a number of tasks. Technology automates tasks. And once one task has been automated, someone somewhere is working on automating the other tasks. When all the tasks in a function have been automated, you aren’t needed to perform the function.
When a function is automated, there is a reduction in the number of people required to perform your job.
When all the functions are automated, you no longer have that job!
What are you doing to prepare for the day when your job is gone?
You do have proven strategies to protect your income: https://tinyurl.com/mr3z6247
Check out our next post on Wednesday.
#lostjob #technologyimpact #employment #automation #jobloss
From Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland:
Alice was wandering through the forest and came to a small clearing. Hearing a noise, she looked up and saw the Cheshire Cat, high up in a tree, grinning at her. “Hello, Cat!” Alice said. “Am I on the right path?” “That depends, Alice!”, said the Cat. “Where do you want to go?” “I don’t know.” She replied. At which point, the Cat disappeared, leaving only his grin and the words “Then any path will take you there!”
We develop a life vision so that we don’t wander aimlessly through the forest of life. Do you have a vision of what you want your life to be?
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide:
Check out our next post on Thursday.
#careerplanning #careerchange #lifevision #newcareers
Your job consists of a number of tasks. Technology automates tasks, which make you more productive. If there is no increase in your workload, then there is a reduction in the number of people required to perform your job.
When the expected downturn in the economy occurs, companies will want to reduce their labor costs. They will look for areas where they don’t need as many workers because of increased productivity caused by technology.
What are you doing to prepare for the day when your employer no longer needs you?
You do have proven strategics to protect your income: https://tinyurl.com/mr3z6247
Check out our next post on Monday.
#lostjob #technologyimpact #employment #automation #jobloss
In the ‘old’ days, career had a clear meaning that applied generally to many workers. You’d choose a career as a professional or specialist in a particular field or industry. Then you’d get qualified with the appropriate skills and obtain work experience in the field for several years until you retire or choose to switch careers.
But skill requirements are changing frequently impacted by technology; your work experience may no longer be valuable; fields are breaking down into more detailed specialties or combining with different fields. Industries too are going through similar changes.
Now, the word ‘career’ is personal, referring to the work path that you have chosen – a path that is unique to you.
Only you know what’s best for you. But our free career planning system can help you decide:
Check out our next post on Tuesday.
#technologyimpact #career #employment #careerchange #newcareer
“Methods are many; Principles are few. Methods always change; Principles never do.” (Unknown)
We’ve just learned one method, and a new, better one is introduced. How do we keep up?
One approach is to determine the principles that the method we know is based on. Then we can determine how the new method applies these principles, which makes it easier to learn.
Extract principles by asking why something is being done; then ask why your answer was chosen. Keep drilling down until you have no further answer. That is the principle!
#workprinciples #workmethods #change
Here’s a common definition of a ‘Business Mastermind Group’: “A business mastermind group is a curated community of entrepreneurs, leaders, and business owners who gather regularly to share knowledge, experiences, and insights.” Typical qualifications are annual sales of at least $500,000.
Nothing wrong with that, except it implies a restrictive qualification with a high entrance level (and matching membership fees).
If the concept is successful for “entrepreneurs, leaders, and business owners” (and it is), why shouldn’t it be applied to other business and professional people facing their own set of issues? And couldn’t it be available at any stage of growth?
The only concern would be the lack of experience of the members. There are two counters:
Later this month I’ll be posting about a new business venture that aims to offer networks of mentored mastermind groups.
Are you ready to re-take control over your work income? Get our free report on proven control strategies: https://ardenbusinessconsulting.com/abc-landing-page-work-income-contact/
Check out our next post on Wednesday.